Unknown Armies - Lindsay McDonald

Lindsay looks about 20 years old. She stands about 5'6", and has a slight, wirey build. Her features and her dark brown hair and eyes hint at european blood somewhere in her ancestry. She has the look of someone who spends most of their time outdoors, and who is not afraid of manual work. She never seems to wear makeup. In fact, she might almost be mistaken for a boy, since she wears her hair short and dresses in unisex clothes: trousers, shirts, jumpers and boots.

Lindsay is quiet and says little, although she is always aware of what is going on around her. Her voice is calm, almost expressionless, and her comments are brief and to the point. She does not seem very comfortable around people, and her reserve can make her seem almost rude at times.

Lindsay currently works in a pet shop run by Ruth Harvey on the southside of Aurora. She also does other odd bits of work from time to time. These are arranged by Ruth, and Lindsay seems to do them more for that reason than for any real need for the money. She lives above the shop.

Lindsay More information about Lindsay:

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I ran to the forest, I ran to the trees, I ran and I ran - I was looking for me...