Unknown Armies - Other Bits

This is my dumping ground for bits of speculation, research and creative bits relating to Lindsay.

Where did she come from???
Research Creative Sources Speculations

Where did she come from???

Telepathy has always fascinated me. From books I read as a teenager, to episodes of Sci-Fi shows, in all it's many forms, as blessing and bane.

Weirdly enough, I have always felt very prone to the influence of other people's emotions. Just the odd incident now and again. And some very interesting conversations with friends who have had similar experiences. Thinking back, most of us seem to remember these things started to happen around about puberty. So I guess Lindsay, like most of my roleplaying characters, is also made up of some parts of me, magnified and distorted.

Yeah, she's angsty. What can I say? Bright bouncy characters just don't interest me that much (although some times I get to play them as a GM :). But for my own roleplaying, I'm interested in the struggle. In setting my characters a real challange they have to work out. After all, the future can go so many different ways for her. Some of them even look pretty bright...

*looks at Liam* Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see. ;)

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Playing someone who has something that sounds alot like a mental disorder, and who medicates herself with heavy duty perscription and illegal drugs required some research. I mean, how does lithium or thorazine effect someone? And what is it like coming off heroin cold turkey (really, REALLY unpleasant is the short answer). So I went digging on the Web. Here is some of the stuff I found useful.

Mental Disorders:
Perscription Medications:

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Creative Sources

I really love music, and draw alot of inspiration from it. I find certain music tends to jump out at me when I really get inside a character's head (or vice versa). It's usually how I tell when I'm really getting hooked on a character. Lindsay recently started tapping me on the shoulder when I was listening to pieces of music. Which is odd, since she doesn't actully like music. Too much emotion.

Still, I think this probably means she's going to be taking up residence in my head for awhile. :)

There have been some interesting takes on the whole idea of telepathy. Here are few I found interesting:
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This is just odd bits and pieces of insight or specualtion about Lindsay, and where the game is going.

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