Unknown Armies Character Sheet
Last updated: 30/03/2001

Name Lindsay Samantha Wilson (aka Lindsay McDonald)
Summary Young woman whose gift of telepathy awoke during puberty. Her whole life has been a struggle to cope with it.
Born 1st April 1981 (19 years old)
Appearance 5'6", slight build, dark brown hair and eyes. Has the look of someone who spends most of their time outdoors. Calloused hands. Doesn't wear makeup. Is sometimes mistaken for a boy, a trait she cultivates by keeping her hair short and dressing in unisex clothes. There are old scars on the insides of her wrists (long, thin) and elbows (puncture), which she keeps covered with leather or woven wristbands and long sleeve shirts.
Personality visable: cautious, withdrawn, controlled, impassive, thoughtful, survivor.
hidden: haunted, scared, hurt, outsider desperately wanting to be normal.
Obsession Dealing with her telepathy - keeping it under control, so it doesn't drive her insane, and hiding the fact she has it from others. Her ideal is to either achieve total mastery of it, so she will never be at it's mercy again, or to remove/neuter it completely.
Passions Rage Trigger: people trying to make her lose control of herself - trying to drug her against her will is instant frenzy; people picking at her verbally or emotionally will also do it, but take somewhat longer.
Fear Trigger: losing control of herself and her telepathy, being sucked into the madness (helpless).
Noble Trigger: is sympathetic to others (people/animals) at the mercy of things they can't control

Body [45]
Hunt: 20% Able to feed herself in the wild
I can take care of myself: 16% Can defend herself ok in a fight, will try and end it quickly
General Athletics: 40% Used to an active, physical life
Speed [60]
Evade: 25% Get away from people, avoid physical confrontation
Drive vehicles: 30% No car license, but can handle a car, motorbike or farm equipment
D.I.Y.: 35% Fix stuff, use a knife and tools, good with her hands
Mind [45]
General Education: 16% Dropped out of high school around 15 years old
Notice: 33% Very aware of what is going on around her
Street wise: 13% Lived on the street for a couple of years, used drugs
Live off the land: 20% Lived in the wild by herself for several years, then worked farms
Soul [70]
Innocuous: 36% People don't notice you, blend into the surroundings
Self control: 45% Able to tightly control emotions to maintain her equilibrium
* Telepathy: 23% * Hear people's surface thoughts, and the general wash of emotion

Mental Derangements
hardened OOOOOOOOO# | #OOOO failed

hardened OOOOOO#### | OOOOO failed

hardened OOOOOOOOOO | ##0OO failed

hardened OOOOOOOO## | OOOOO failed

hardened OOOOOOOOO# | ##OOO failed

  • if her control breaks and the telepathy starts to overwhelm her, she will flee to a quiet place, or take some of her emergency pills (helpless)

  • if anyone tries to medicate her against her will, she will frenzy (helpless)

  • believes that her telepathy makes her a freak, and would accept discrimination against her on those grounds as perfectly valid (self)
Current Experience: 9