Lauren Cade Lasombra
12th Gen

Lauren, Lauren, Lauren.... where do I begin?

Lauren was the first real character I created who took on a life of her own. Vividly so. She started out as a fairly standard Vampire angst baby, saddled with a shit family life, massive artistic talent and a life threatening disease, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got recruited into the Sabbat. :)

Pretty ordinary so far, I hear you say. Stay with me.

But then she was out with one of her new Sabbat friends one night, who had a problem. See there were these two nice ladies, who'd been ghouled to a vampire and sent to another state to do some investigating for him. But they couldn't go back, and they hadn't had blood in ages, and it was getting critical. Lauren's friend was only allowed to have one, so would she take the other? And so Lauren ended up with a pretty ghoul named Christine.

The rest, as they say, is history. Quite literally so, in this case.

Lauren was one of the most AMAZING roleplaying experiences I have ever had. She showed me how creative, enthralling and compelling participating in roleplaying could be, that we could create stories with depth and horror and passion - and the oddest moments of surreal, black humour.

She also helped me through one of the toughest periods in my life, after a very close friend of mine commited suicide. I don't know what I would have done without this other life, this other persona that I could safely vent the anger, grief and confusion I was experiencing at the time. Roleplaying as therapy. Consequently, I find it really hard to be objective about her as a character, and I am definately very, Very, VERY protective of her. Just ask Cam :-)

Speaking of Cam, no comments about Lauren would be complete without mentioning the demented, creative talent behind Melbourne by Morons, the scenario that spawned numerious anecdotes, memes, and an incredible group of NPCs. Cam is currently running his 3rd group of victims, I mean valued players, through this strange world, and I'm happy to say that this time he's sharing the fun with me by letting me co-GM :-):-):-)

Want to find out more about Lauren? (current players stay away!)
Her Chronology Character sheets (then/now) Related Fiction

There is no sun, there's only moon
It comes too late, it comes too soon
The only reality, isn't real at all
There is no love, there is no peace
There's only me and my beast
The only reality, isn't real at all
The only reality, is you and me

Partial lyrics to "The Revelation" by Happy Rhodes